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Born in the little town of Douglas, Wyoming on February 2, 1978, Melissa would grow to overcome many obstacles in her life. The first of many being that she was not expected to be anything more than a "living vegetable," a strain on society that should either be starved to death or put into an institution to live out the remainder of her worthless life. This was the plight of many such children born with a birth defect called Spina Bifida. Thankfully, God and her parents had other plans.

Melissa attended normal classes throughout her scholastic education at the insistence of herself and her parents. While she was not always the best student in all her classes, she had quite an aptitude for reading and writing. Melissa was always a dreamer.

She had a way of seeing and expressing her life in such a way as to capture any audiences' attention immediately.

Now at the ripe age of 29 Melissa has set her sights on more than just sitting on the sidelines watching others achieve physical feats that were once considered only achievable by normal people.

Melissa now has a red belt in the traditional Korean Martial Art of Kuk Sool Won. Much like Kung Fu, Kuk Sool Won, is considered a gentler form of martial arts than those such as Karate. Melissa has the lofty goal of helping to create the first official Kuk Sool Won wheelchair handbook. Most in the martial arts that have had the pleasure of seeing Melissa in action agree that not only will she become a great black belt ambassador for her people, but she will also create the first of its kind handbook.

When Melissa first started martial arts, she thought she had found the greatest sport ever created, but then she had the great pleasure of seeing the newly emerging sport of MMA or to the uninitiated: Mixed Martial Arts. Now with this new sport firmly in her mind she became obsessed with knowing all there was to know not only about the sport itself but those involved with it as well.

In fact, truth be told, Melissa finds the stories behind the people much more interesting than the sport itself quite often. It is this interest in the sport and people of the sport of MMA that has given Melissa the desire and drive to seek out the opportunity to work with Fight News Unlimited.